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The GeekMom has been a fan since the original Virtual Villagers. As soon as Virtual Villagers 2 was available she downloaded it. Thispastweek she found Virtual Villagers III and it's become a bit of an obsession in the family.
Virtual Villagers 3:TheSecret City is the (obviously) third installment in the series. This one has proved the most challenging so far for the GeekMom. I've been working from home a few days over the last week and haveheardthe following comments come from her:
- “Is this one old enough to work yet?....Darn.”
- “Oh good golly – you leave for five seconds and all your workers disappear.”
- “My Chief doesn't DOanything – he stands there and directs.”
- “Where's my Chief? My Tribal Chief is directing a bush.”
It's been challenging. Her first village did not make it, but she's now gotten through the puzzles and theobstaclesto ensure a successful virtual village. It's been a good diversion since Wisconsinhas seen so much rain lately.
Balanceis the key, as is shifting your villagers from one task to another. In the early stages, gathering as much food as possible isimportant.Once you figure out a couple of the puzzles, food becomes an easier resource so you can shift your attention to gaining technology points. These help get other skillsandpuzzles which will benefit the village.
I think each of the kids has a game going right now at various levelsofsuccess. My youngest son has only men remaining in the village – not good as he's pretty far into the game. He's hoping for a “barrelofbabies” to wash up on the shores of his village before too much more time passes, so his village can continue. My GeekTeen hasprovento be pretty adept at the game as well; now that school is done, she will probably get the village through the challenges in thenextcouple of days.
With GeekMom figuring out the puzzles and strategies for Virtual Villagers 3, I'msureshe'd go back and play Virtual Villagers 1 and 2 just for fun, but, well, GeekDad had to reformat her hard-drive a couple of months ago and thelicensekeys were lost...
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