Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rush 2011 Time Machine Tour Begins Tonight 3/30/2011

Rush Time Machine Tour 2011 Meet and Greet Contest After a five month "break", Rush is set to return to the stage tonight in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida at the Bank Atlantic Center for the beginning of the 2011 Leg of their Time Machine Tour. At this time, there aren't any expected changes to the set list for the 2011 leg, however we will be confirming this tonight as the concert is underway. Anyone in attendance at tonight's show that would like to feed the set list to this site, please contact me.

In related news, the Rush Backstage Club is holding a weekly 'Meet and Greet' contest:

Win A Meet and Greet With Rush!

Check it out: every week RUSH BACKSTAGE will draw two winners to win a pair of Meet and Greet passes to meet RUSH during the Time Machine 2011 tour. The winners will meet members of the band, before the show. These lucky people will have the opportunity to say hello and have their picture taken with the guys!

In order to qualify to win the prize, entrants MUST already have in their possession tickets to a Rush Time Machine concert during the Time Machine 2011 tour. Rush Backstage will not be providing concert tickets to the winners. Good luck!
Click HERE to enter. Thanks to ED from RushIsABand for passing along that news.

Want to keep track of Rush as they progress through their concert dates? Eric from Power Windows has created a special Google iCalendar for the 2011 leg of the tour. Click HERE for more information.

For all those in attendance tonigth and over the next few dates, have a great time - and send us your concert pictures! - March 30th, 2011

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